January 2020

The new year has the Lodge booked with a few more bookings in January.  All positive and good feedback from everyone that has stayed with us.

In the house we have started and completed the splitting of our large living area, it went quite smoothly, the only issue being a small leak in the new pipework for additional radiators, this was found and sorted out with only a little bit of work.

We also have removed the pipework for the “so called” underfloor heating, which never worked and was never fitted properly. We have left the pipes under the floors for now, but have blown out all water from them, whether we remove them in the future is to be seen.

These are the pictures of the new wall.

​The dogs are still getting there regular walks, especially at the beaches, as Flossie really likes them and they are not too hard for Tara. Other days Flossy goes to the castle for a morning walk, with Tara if she is not struggling too much, she is feeling her age.

Theresa has been up cycling furniture when we can get them for free, and doing a fantastic job on them. More of these to be seen next month when completed!